GenerativeComponents Help

Query Expression Examples

In the following examples, we presume that:

  • line01 is the name of a previously-defined Line node that is replicated (i.e., it contains child Line nodes).
  • maxLength is the name of a previously-defined object that represents a maximum length. For example, maxLength could be an Expression node, a Slider node, a function argument, or a variable.
If we want: We use this script:
A list composed of those child lines whose lengths are within the maximum length.
from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
A list composed of all child lines, ordered by their lengths (smallest to largest).
from ln in line01
    orderby ln.Length
A list composed of all child lines, ordered by their lengths (largest to smallest).
from ln in line01
    orderby ln.Length descending
A list composed of the start points of the child lines. (Actually, in this case, it would be easier to just say “line01.StartPoint”!)
from ln in line01
    select ln.StartPoint
A list composed of the start points of those child lines whose lengths are within the maximum length.
from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    select ln.StartPoint
A list composed of the X values of the start points of those child lines that do not exceed the maximum length, ordered from smallest to largest.
from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    orderby ln.StartPoint.X
    select ln.StartPoint.X
The largest length among the child lines.
(from ln in line01
    select ln.Length).Maximum()
The largest length that does not exceed the maximum length.
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    select ln.Length).Maximum()
The child line that has the largest length.
(from ln in line01
    orderby ln.Length).Last()
The three child lines that have the largest lengths.
(from ln in line01
    orderby ln.Length).Last(3)
The start points of the three child lines that have the largest lengths.
(from ln in line01
    orderby ln.Length).Last(3).StartPoint
The start points of the three child lines that have the largest lengths that do not exceed the maximum length.
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    orderby ln.Length).Last(3).StartPoint
Whether or not any child lines exceed the maximum length. (For example, in the context of a conditional expression (“… ? … : …”) or an ‘if’ statement.)
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length > maxLength).Any()
The number of child lines that exceed the maximum length.
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length > maxLength).Count
The total length of those child lines that do not exceed the maximum length.
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    select ln.Length).Sum()
The median X value of the start points of those child lines that do not exceed the maximum length.
(from ln in line01
    where ln.Length <= maxLength
    select ln.StartPoint.X).Median()